实验 | 使用本地大模型预测在线评论情感类别

情感分析是分析文本以确定消息的情绪基调是积极、消极还是中性的过程。通过情感分析,我们可以了解文本是否表现出快乐、悲伤、愤怒等情绪。主要的计算方法有语义词典法、机器学习法、混合方法、其他方法。 随着chatGPT这类大语言模型的出现, 它们增强了文本理解能力,使我们能够更精准的把握文本中的语义和情绪,也因此大型语言模型 (LLM) 一出场就有实现情感分析功能。Sentiment analysis is the process of analyzing text to determine whether the emotional tone of a message is positive, negative, or neutral. Through sentiment analysis, we can understand whether the text expresses emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, etc. The main computational methods are semantic dictionary method, machine learning method, hybrid method, and other methods. With the emergence of large language models such as chatGPT, they enhance text understanding capabilities, allowing us to more accurately grasp the semantics and emotions in the text. Therefore, large language models (LLMs) have implemented sentiment analysis functions as soon as they appeared....

2024-08-06 · 2 min · 大邓

实验 | 使用 Crewai 和 Ollama 构建智能体(AI Agent)帮我撰写博客文章

大邓是一个技术博主,运营着公众号,每天要消耗大量的时间进行选题、创作、编辑。随着LLM的流行, 能否让LLM替我进行选题、创作、编辑,从此进入躺平式人生新阶段。 这不是做梦, 使用软件Ollama、Python的CrewAI库,设计好智能体(AI Agent),就能实现大邓的白日梦。In technical terms an AI Agent is a software entity designed to perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously on behalf of a user or another program. These agents leverage artificial intelligence to make decisions, take actions, and interact with their environment or other systems....

2024-08-05 · 4 min · 大邓


数据科学家花费 80% 以上的时间来准备数据,这其中主要是数据清洗、数据标注。随着 GPT-4 等大型语言模型 (LLM)的兴起,现在我们可以更高效的准备工作。在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用 LLM 进行数据标注,以提高文本注释的准确性、效率和可扩展性,并最终为 ML 项目带来更好的结果。 Data scientists spend over 80% of their time preparing data, including data labeling. With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, we now have the tools to streamline this process significantly.In this article, we’ll explore how to use LLM for data labeling to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of text annotations and ultimately drive better outcomes for ML projects....

2024-08-04 · 2 min · Yuliia Kniazieva

arXiv2024 | 使用大语言模型自动进行定性研究中的扎根理论开发

在当今的学术界,定性研究因其深入挖掘现象背后的原因和逻辑而备受重视。然而,定性数据的分析往往耗时且成本高昂。现在,随着chatGPT这类大语言模型的问世,这一局面可能即将改变。AcademiaOS是一个创新的开源平台,它利用大型语言模型(LLMs)的能力,自动化地进行地面理论的发展,为定性研究带来了新的视角。AcademiaOS is a first attempt to automate grounded theory development in qualitative research with large language models. Using recent large language models’ language understanding, generation, and reasoning capabilities, AcademiaOS codes curated qualitative raw data such as interview transcripts and develops themes and dimensions to further develop a grounded theoretical model, affording novel insights. A user study (n=19) suggests that the system finds acceptance in the academic community and exhibits the potential to augment humans in qualitative research. AcademiaOS has been made open-source for others to build upon and adapt to their use cases....

2024-08-02 · 2 min · Übellacker Thomas

数据集 | 聚焦美股企业社会责任CSR Wire网站新闻数据集(1999-2024)


2024-07-19 · 2 min · 陈世强