


下面整理了几篇 集智俱乐部 分享过词嵌入解读文章, 部分含视频讲解。文章末尾还有更多词嵌入的最新文献,感兴趣的同学也可以收藏。





Kozlowski, A.C., Taddy, M. and Evans, J.A., 2019. The geometry of culture: Analyzing the meanings of class through word embeddings. American Sociological Review, 84(5), pp.905-949.




Toubia, O., Berger, J. and Eliashberg, J., 2021. How quantifying the shape of stories predicts their success. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(26).




  • Xu H, Zhang Z, Wu L, Wang C_J. The Cinderella Complex: Word Embeddings Quantify Gender Stereotypes in Movies and Books. Available from https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.04599. 2019.06.
  • Caliskan A, Bryson JJ, Narayanan A. Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases. Science. 2017;356: 183–186.
  • Garg N, Schiebinger L, Jurafsky D, Zou J. Word embeddings quantify 100 years of gender and ethnic stereotypes . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018. pp. E3635–E3644. doi:10.1073/pnas.1720347115
  • Dowling C. The Cinderella Complex: Women’s Hidden Fear of Independence. 1982.






Garg, N., Schiebinger, L., Jurafsky, D. and Zou, J., 2018. Word embeddings quantify 100 years of gender and ethnic stereotypes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(16), pp.E3635-E3644.

详细解读请看 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VroknX42MBdckptv4tELJg


词向量是自然语言处理中的一项基础性技术,通过词语之间的共同出现网络,可以在低维空间表征词汇间的语义相关性。4月23日发表在 Science Advences 的论文,通过论文引用网络,结合神经网络为不同的学科的科研期刊构建了连续的向量化嵌入表征,从中可以了解新知是如何被创造和组织的。

Peng, H., Ke, Q., Budak, C., Romero, D.M. and Ahn, Y.Y., 2021. Neural embeddings of scholarly periodicals reveal complex disciplinary organizations. Science Advances, 7(17), p.eabb9004.



大量选择志同道合的人可能会分裂和极化网络社会,特别是在党派差异方面。 通过利用大规模的聚合行为模式来量化在线社区在社会维度上的定位。应用 14 年来在 Reddit 上 10,000 个社区中发表的 51 亿条评论,我们衡量了宏观社区结构在年龄、性别和美国政治党派方面的组织方式。

检查政治内容,我们发现 Reddit 在 2016 年美国总统大选前后经历了一次重大的两极分化事件。然而,与传统观念相反,个人层面的两极分化是罕见的。 2016 年的系统级转变主要是由新用户的到来推动的。 Reddit 上的政治两极分化与平台上的先前活动无关,而是在时间上与外部事件保持一致。

研究还观察到明显的意识形态不对称,2016 年两极分化的急剧增加完全归因于右翼活动的变化。这种方法广泛适用于在线互动的研究,我们的研究结果对在线平台的设计、理解在线行为的社会背景以及量化在线两极分化的动态和机制具有重要意义。

Waller, I. and Anderson, A., 2021. Quantifying social organization and political polarization in online platforms. Nature, 600(7888), pp.264-268. 点击查看详细解读


  • Arseniev-Koehler, A., Cochran, S.D., Mays, V.M., Chang, K.W. and Foster, J.G., 2022. Integrating topic modeling and word embedding to characterize violent deaths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(10), p.e2108801119.
  • Bollen, J., Ten Thij, M., Breithaupt, F., Barron, A.T., Rutter, L.A., Lorenzo-Luaces, L. and Scheffer, M., 2021. Historical language records reveal a surge of cognitive distortions in recent decades. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(30).
  • Kim, L., Smith, D.S., Hofstra, B. and McFarland, D.A., 2022. Gendered knowledge in fields and academic careers. Research Policy, 51(1), p.104411.
  • Lawson, M.A., Martin, A.E., Huda, I. and Matz, S.C., 2022. Hiring women into senior leadership positions is associated with a reduction in gender stereotypes in organizational language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(9), p.e2026443119.
  • Brady, W.J., McLoughlin, K., Doan, T.N. and Crockett, M.J., 2021. How social learning amplifies moral outrage expression in online social networks. Science Advances, 7(33), p.eabe5641.
  • Bailey, A.H., Williams, A. and Cimpian, A., 2022. Based on billions of words on the internet, people= men. Science Advances, 8(13), p.eabm2463.
  • Lewis, M. and Lupyan, G., 2020. Gender stereotypes are reflected in the distributional structure of 25 languages. Nature human behaviour, 4(10), pp.1021-1028.
  • Schramowski, P., Turan, C., Andersen, N., Rothkopf, C.A. and Kersting, K., 2022. Large pre-trained language models contain human-like biases of what is right and wrong to do. Nature Machine Intelligence, 4(3), pp.258-268.
  • Costa-jussà, M.R., 2019. An analysis of gender bias studies in natural language processing. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1(11), pp.495-496.
  • Rodman, E., 2020. A timely intervention: Tracking the changing meanings of political concepts with word vectors. Political Analysis, 28(1), pp.87-111.
  • Bhatia, S., 2017. Associative judgment and vector space semantics. Psychological review, 124(1), p.1.
  • Kurdi, B., Mann, T.C., Charlesworth, T.E. and Banaji, M.R., 2019. The relationship between implicit intergroup attitudes and beliefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(13), pp.5862-5871.
  • Charlesworth, T.E., Yang, V., Mann, T.C., Kurdi, B. and Banaji, M.R., 2021. Gender stereotypes in natural language: Word embeddings show robust consistency across child and adult language corpora of more than 65 million words. Psychological Science, 32(2), pp.218-240.
  • Bhatia, S., 2019. Predicting risk perception: New insights from data science. Management Science, 65(8), pp.3800-3823.
  • Rheault, L. and Cochrane, C., 2020. Word embeddings for the analysis of ideological placement in parliamentary corpora. Political Analysis, 28(1), pp.112-133.
  • Yang, K., Lau, R.Y. and Abbasi, A., 2022. Getting Personal: A Deep Learning Artifact for Text-Based Measurement of Personality. Information Systems Research.
  • Rodman, E., 2020. A timely intervention: Tracking the changing meanings of political concepts with word vectors. Political Analysis, 28(1), pp.87-111.
  • Margulis, E.H., Wong, P.C., Turnbull, C., Kubit, B.M. and McAuley, J.D., 2022. Narratives imagined in response to instrumental music reveal culture-bounded intersubjectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(4).
  • Thompson, B., Roberts, S.G. and Lupyan, G., 2020. Cultural influences on word meanings revealed through large-scale semantic alignment. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(10), pp.1029-1038.