本文基于高层梯队理论和社会心理学中的时间导向理论,提出了管理者内在的短视主义特质与企业资本支出和研发支出的关系,并采用文本分析和机器学习技术构建出管理者短视主义指标从而对其进行实证检验。研究结果发现,年报 MD&A 中披露的“短期视域” 语言 能够反映管理者内在的短视主义特质,管理者短视会导致企业减少资本支出和研发支出。当公司治理水平、监督型机构投资者的持股比例以及分析师关注度越高时,管理者短视主义对这些长期投资的负向影响越 易受到抑制。最终,管理者短视主义导致的研发支出减少和资本投资效率降低会损害企业的未来绩效。本文拓宽了管理者短视主义的行为后果分析,对企业高层次管理人才的聘任以及企业和政府的监管具有重要的实践启示。同时,本文将文本分析和机器学习方法引入管理者短视主义的研究,为未来该领域的研究提供了参考和借鉴。The Chief executive officer (CEO) plays a prominent role in ensuring sustainable business growth and enhancing long-term performance. However, not all CEOs have a long-term vision. In this paper, based on the upper echelons and time orientation theory, we investigate whether and how managerial myopia, defined as managers' innate traits to focus on short-term goals, affects their behaviors and decisions. While extant literature extensively centered on the impact of managers' demographic characteristics on long-term investment, little is known about the role of managerial myopia. One reason is the difficulty in coming up with an ex-ante measure for persons' inner and stable time orientation traits. In this paper, based on the textual analytical platform WinGo, we use textual analysis and machine learning technology to measure the managerial myopia. Since the controller of a firm in China is usually the chairman of the board (COB) rather than the CEO, we focus on the COB's myopia in this study. Through a bat⁃ tery of validations and variance decomposition methods, this study verifies that our proposed textual measure effective⁃ ly captures COBs' innate myopia traits, rather than myopia induced by the external environment....
语言文字是营销场景中最常用的交互方式,比如在线评论、消费者服务热线、新闻发布、营销传播等活动都创造了有价值的文本数据。但营销研究者如何用好这些数据?本文回顾了文本分析相关研究,并详细介绍了如何用文本数据做市场研究。作者讨论了文本如何**反映**文本生产者, 文本信息如何**影响**信息接受者。接下来,本文讨论了文本如何**预测**并**理解**文本背后的信息,回顾了文本分析的方法和测量指标(metrics),提供了一整套的文本分析操作流程。最后,作者提到文本分析内部信度和外部效度问题,研究者如何解决。本文讨论营销各个领域可能存在的研究机会,虽然目前市场营销的研究问题大都是跨学科的,但是营销的各个子领域经常都是孤立,借助文本分析可能架构起连接营销各个子领域的桥梁。Language and text are the most commonly used interaction methods in marketing scenarios. Activities such as online reviews, consumer service hotlines, press releases, and marketing communications all create valuable text data. But how can marketing researchers make good use of this data? This article reviews the research on text analytics and details how to use text data for market research. The authors discuss how texts *reflect* text producers, and how textual information *influences* information recipients. Next, this article discusses how to **predict** and **understand** the information behind the text, reviews the methods and metrics of text analysis, and provides a complete set of text analysis operation procedures. Finally, the author mentions the problems of internal reliability and external validity of text analysis, and how researchers can solve them. This article discusses the research opportunities that may exist in various fields of marketing. Although the current marketing research issues are mostly interdisciplinary, each subfield of marketing is often isolated. With the help of text analysis, it is possible to build a bridge connecting various subfields of marketing....
在大数据的今天,通过互联网超文本链接,无数的**个人、团体、公司、政府**等不同组织形态的主体均深深嵌入到互联网世界,在网络世界中留下了大量的文本。**社会、管理、经济、营销、金融**等不同学科,均可以研究网络上海量的文本,扩宽的研究对象和研究领域。下面大部分内容是三份文档翻译汇总而来,我觉得讲的挺明白的,其中加入了我的一点点理解和扩充。In today's big data world, through Internet hypertext links, countless individuals, groups, companies, governments and other organizational entities are deeply embedded in the Internet world, leaving a large amount of text in the Internet world. **Society, management, economics, marketing, finance** and other disciplines can study a large amount of texts on the Internet, and broaden the research objects and research fields. Most of the content below is a summary of the translations of the three documents. I think it is quite clear, and I have added a little bit of my understanding and expansion....