
该数据集从谷歌地图采集了美国范围内一些信息(截止日期为 2021 年 9 月),数据规模

  • 666,324,103 条评论(评级、文本、图片等)
  • 113,643,107 位用户信息
  • 4,963,111 条企业元数据(地址、地理信息、描述、类别信息、价格、营业时间和其他信息)

数据集地址 https://datarepo.eng.ucsd.edu/mcauley_group/gdrive/googlelocal/

1.1 完整评论数据

请仅在确实需要时下载这些(大!)文件。我们建议使用较小的数据集(即 k-core 和 CSV 文件),如下一节所示。


1.2 小的评论数据


10-cores 经过缩减,以剩下的每个用户和每个项目都有 10 条评论。

ratings only:这些数据集不包含元数据或评论,只有(企业、用户、评分、时间戳)元组。因此,它们适合与 mymedialite(或类似)软件包一起使用。



格式为 json 格式的每行一篇评论。如需进一步帮助阅读数据,请参阅下面的示例。

2.1 评论样本

  'user_id': '106533466896145407182', 
  'name': 'Amy VG', 
  'time': 1568748357166, 
  'rating': 5, 
  'text': "I can't say I've ever been excited about a dentist visit before, but there's a first for everything! Loved my experience at Lush today. Every person in the office was friendly and personable- plus the office itself is gorgeous! Great experience, I highly recommend!", 
  'pics': [
    'url': ['https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMBzN4BJV9YCObcw_ifNzFPm-u38hO3oimOA8Fb=w150-h150-k-no-p']
    'url': ['https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNS1PEXEvadfUlhRkRDJ09id
  'resp': {
    'time': 1568770503975, 
    'text': 'We love getting to meet new patients like yourself.  Thanks for giving our office a chance to take care of your dental needs and thanks for the nice review!'
  'gmap_id': '0x87ec2394c2cd9d2d:0xd1119cfbee0da6f3'
  'user_id': '101463350189962023774', 
  'name': 'Jordan Adams', 
  'time': 1627750414677, 
  'rating': 5, 
  'text': 'Cool place, great people, awesome dentist!', 
  'pics': [
    'url': ['https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNq2nZC5TH4_M7h5xRAd
  'resp': {
    'time': 1628455067818, 
    'text': 'Thank you for your five-star review! -Dr. Blake'
  'gmap_id': '0x87ec2394c2cd9d2d:0xd1119cfbee0da6f3'


user_id - 审稿人的 ID
name - 审阅人姓名
time - 审核时间(UNIX 时间)
rating - 企业评级
text - 评论的文字
pics - 评论的图片
resp - 企业对评论的回复,包括 unix 时间和回复文本
gmap_id - 企业 ID

2.2 元数据样本

  'name': 'Walgreens Pharmacy', 
  'address': 'Walgreens Pharmacy, 124 E North St, Kendallville, IN 46755', 
  'gmap_id': '0x881614ce7c13acbb:0x5c7b18bbf6ec4f7e', 
  'description': 'Department of the Walgreens chain providing prescription medications & other health-related items.', 
  'latitude': 41.451859999999996, 
  'longitude': -85.2666757, 
  'category': ['Pharmacy'], 
  'avg_rating': 4.2, 
  'num_of_reviews': 5, 
  'price': '$$', 
  'hours': [['Thursday', '8AM–1:30PM'], ['Friday', '8AM–1:30PM'], ['Saturday', '9AM–1:30PM'], ['Sunday', '10AM–1:30PM'], ['Monday', '8AM–1:30PM'], ['Tuesday', '8AM–1:30PM'], ['Wednesday', '8AM–1:30PM']], 
  'MISC': {
    'Service options': ['Curbside pickup', 'Drive-through', 'In-store pickup', 'In-store shopping'], 
    'Health & safety': ['Mask required', 'Staff wear masks', 'Staff get temperature checks'], 
    'Accessibility': ['Wheelchair accessible entrance', 'Wheelchair accessible parking lot'], 
    'Planning': ['Quick visit'], 
    'Payments': ['Checks', 'Debit cards']
  'state': 'Closes soon ⋅ 1:30PM ⋅ Reopens 2PM', 
  'relative_results': ['0x881614cd49e4fa33:0x2d507c24ff4f1c74', '0x8816145bf5141c89:0x535c1d605109f94b', '0x881614cda24cc591:0xca426e3a9b826432', '0x88162894d98b91ef:0xd139b34de70d3e03', '0x881615400b5e57f9:0xc56d17dbe420a67f'], 
  'url': 'https://www.google.com/maps/place//data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x881614ce7c13acb


name - 企业名称
address - 企业地址
gmap_id - 企业 ID
description - 企业描述
latitude - 企业的纬度
longitude - 企业的经度
category - 企业类别
avg_rating - 企业的平均评分
num_of_reviews - 评价数量
price - 商店的价格
hours - 营业时间
MISC - 其他信息
state - 企业的当前状态(例如,永久关闭)
relative_results - 谷歌推荐的相关企业
url - 企业的 URL


数据集地址 https://datarepo.eng.ucsd.edu/mcauley_group/gdrive/googlelocal/

3.1 引用


Li, Jiacheng, Jingbo Shang, and Julian McAuley. "Uctopic: Unsupervised contrastive learning for phrase representations and topic mining." *arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.13469* (2022).

Yan, An, Zhankui He, Jiacheng Li, Tianyang Zhang, and Julian McAuley. "Personalized Showcases: Generating multi-modal explanations for recommendations." In *Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval*, pp. 2251-2255. 2023.

3.2 联系方式

Jiacheng Li (j9li@eng.ucsd.edu)